Do you remember my friend Coleman? He has a brain tumor, plus the cancer is now in his spine. I also wrote - or at least mostly copy/pasted Peggy, his mommy's writings - about their being in the Big Apple back in August. They stay at the Ronald McDonald House when they are in NYC. That is where they are right now. This is only their second time there; they are from Iowa where the corn grows. There is no corn growing in NYC. They have to go to Sloan Kettering Hospital there. More about all that is wrong with Coleman later, and what they are going to do. Right now, here is a picture of Coleman, in addition to those in the other two blogs.

So............. now you know what to do. Get over to PAC2 and join the fight against Childhood Cancer. Sign the petition. The Petition to Raise Awareness of Childhood Cancer
Oh, and one more picture of Coleman, Cman, the little man, Coleman with a shiner!
It's back to work for me, either on my blog layout, or at PAC2.

1 comment:
Hi: Good Job I like what you are doing with your blog. Coleman is so precious. He knows God and that is outstanding for someone his age. Love to yoou and Jim. --Jocelyn--
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