Things were going fine. Peggy had the boys at the pottery place. They had a couple pieces from earlier in the week that they wanted to get painted. Coleman awoke happy and ready to go paint. Scott was back at the Ronald McDonald House doing things in preparation for going home Monday.

All was right with the world.
Then Coleman could not make his brush go where he wanted it to go.
He became shaky.
His speech became slurred.
He couldn't remember what the brush was called.
Peggy tried helping him, but he became frustrated and mad.
She called Scott and he came down.
They called the doctor, and he told them to take him to urgent care.
They walked the few blocks there.
Got a room. NOT where HE wanted to be!
From Peggy: "Coleman was very angry...he had asked me last night, "mommy? do we needa do teemo ta-morrow?" I told him, "no! you don't have to see ANY dr's or nurses tomorrow- it's just going to be a day of fun!" Again, what a liar I turned out to be... I have never seen him so upset, he kept crying, "I WANT OUTTA HERE! I DOAN WANNA BE HERE! I don't need ANYFING they have here ann I wanna doe HOME!" He was definitely not himself and we had a tough time comforting him."
Poor Coleman, and yes, poor Peggy and Scott. And a scared, attentive brother Caden.
I will put Peggy's report here now,
"We sat at the hospital all day. They did blood counts, and a CT. We had to wait for a neurologist to read it...and finally at 6:00 they said they faxed it and it looked the same as his last one, so we were free to go.
NO ANSWERS! They didn't know what caused it... Just if it happens again to bring him in right away. Finally at 6:30 we walked to get a piece of his favorite pizza, we came back to the house, did baths and they are in bed. He seemed better once we got back to the house.
Today is a day we don't want to relive. It was a long scary day. There were blessings though- we had a VERY kind nurse, and Coleman was so afraid he was going to have to be thankful we are all 4 in bed together tonight. (did I ever mention our room at the RMD house has two twin beds? we pushed them together to make one big TEAM LARSON bed!)
We're praying tomorrow is better.
Please pray that we can make our flight on Monday and make it home okay. Scott and I both feel like we've been ran over by a train tonight.
We appreciate the support and prayers so much. THANK YOU!
Blessings to you all,
Team Larson"
Surely prayers for Coleman, and I hope each one who comes by my site will offer up a prayer for him, and continue as you go on your way. He has been on a long battle, and he is ready to win this war. Having read his mother's writings since before last Christmas, him weaving a place in my heart, going with them through the stem cell .... all this and much, much more. I was thrilled to see their local, and their church rally behind them this summer, and glad for the few days in the bouncy thing-a-majig before they left for NYC, their surprise.
God, keep him safe, under your wing. Whatever it is, work a miracle.
I agree 100%. We do need a miracle for Coleman. I hope they will be able to go home on Monday. I also hope you and Jim have a safe trip to Jonesboro and that things will go smoothly for you next week. All of you are in my prayers. I love you. Jocelyn
Thank you Jocelyn. I am trying to get away from this computer to try to get my part ready to go. Oct. is Robert's month here, and with Coleman having problems, it seems to be affecting me more emotionally. I could not even mention his date of death when it came, and that is not like me at all. Now, his date of birth, and I was doing okay until I got the news of him being in the ER, and it was like, "Oh, no," with me. Then I read Peggy to say that they got to go back to the house, and I didn't think they would send them back if he was in any danger.
I was around all over the place last night, and never got my pictures printed before falling to sleep. I'm going to get dressed now, get my stuff packed, and then maybe I can do it.
Make sure you go and sign the petition. Just for me, please.
Then go over to PAC2
Trust me. You'll not regret it. Here is my page. I have met so many wonderful people there, and some from my area of my state.
Talk to you later. GOT to get my stuff packed!
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