Remember, I am showing that a myasthenic can still be creative and productive regardless the state of his or her being. However, I say that with some reservation because there is always an *edge* to his or her condition at different times when he/she feels too ill to do anything except treat her illness. We know that rest and sleep, beyond any medications our doctor may have us on, is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. I am quick to use my husband's judgment about that because he can see all of me better than I can see myself. That is not to say I *like* to use it, but I have learned it is usually best for me to follow it.
This first picture is of Alexander, my fourth great-grandchild, the third in his family, born in May 2008. This picture was taken with a cell phone, but it doesn't matter with what it was made, he is such a happy, beautiful baby there would need to be faulty equipment for there not to be a good picture to come from him.

Then, another cell phone picture taken of Kaitlyn having fun at an amusement park in Ohio. Below my work is the original, so dark it is barely discernible. I have used Paint Shop Pro X2 in all of my work. With her, I have used a picture frame that has come with the package, something I did not do before I came down with MG. I made my own picture frames then. This was called "Film".

I made a video of Ashton/ We often take a lot of shots of Ashton because either Ashley or I take a lot of shots one after the other of him, so have some good footage to work with. I think Jim took this in the Annex at St. Bernard's when we got back to the room on 8/27, and has some typical Ashton looks in it. I've made much better before, but was in a hurry, so used the Windows Photo Gallery/Make a Movie/AutoMovie. Uh oh, it did not work whenever I tried it. Another time I guess.
Instead, here are two of Ashton, a front and back, a here today, a gone today:
Do you see the difference? Curls in the first one, big boy cut in the second one! No! They didn't cut it while he was asleep!!
I did not have any recent pictures of Matthew, and had to call Jennifer to send me one or two. That is the nice thing about cell phone pictures - ready in an instant! It is not 10:00, and the pictures have been sitting there in my Inbox just waiting on me to do whatever I'm going to do with them. Let's go see.
Yep, Matthew was there waiting. And a good looking boy he is. He had his 5th birthday July 3rd. See what you think

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