It appears to have been a good treatment this time. I will tell you all about it later. I'm trying to help get unpacked, and all that good stuff after being gone for five days, but wanted to check in to say hello. I'm glad to be back amongst you all without the sound of the wheels on the blood pressure machine going clickity-clack coming down the hall for the hourly blood pressure checks (every 15 minutes the first hour) for the duration of each daily infusion. Oh, and ugh, having to be weighed as soon as I checked in each morning so that the pharmacist could get my mix of my pooled IgG immunoglobulins (antibodies extracted from the plasma of over a thousand blood donors), the IVIG's effects lasting a good two weeks, then beginning to wane during the third week, making me happy to go back again all over again. I've got lots to tell, and I guess the best part of this out-patient business is only having to be at the hospital for the time of the infusion, then 'go home' or wherever, whatever home may be, which for us is the hotel-like room in the Annex building of the hospital, that being the old hospital. It is very, very nice. We already have our same room reserved for next month.
I am already seeing God's hand at work in my life throughout this experience, almost slamming the door as we were going one direction, and at the time, only He knowing what was in store for me a few months down the road, and what it is being like for me so far. Once again I am having to put all my Faith and Trust in Him, allowing Him to lead the way. Last week was so, so special, and I am anxious to finish up here, and get on with what I need to do, so I can come back here and tell you all about it. This is a bit of a hint of part of the fun part of the week:

Hi Ragdoll Billie
So glad you are home. I missed the blog last week. Hope you got my e-mail. It sounds like things are going better with the treatments. That's great. I bet your good news has to do with Ashton. I know they live near Jonesboro and I wondered if you would get to see them while you were there. I look forward to your next posting. Maybe you should name your Team Ragdoll Billie's Faith Team. For all of us it is our faith in God that keeps us going. Love you. --Jocelyn--
Hi Jocelyn. "Appears" I did have a good treatment last week. The scalawag headaches are hitting me hard right now, though, so I'm having to do a balancing act of feeling good to do stuff in the house, but knocked down by the head. Guess the KO, huh? Got your email and will reply today, plus will be working on my next post, all as the head will allow. I'm doing SOOOO much better than I used to do following the IVIGs. Hehe Remember that my birthday was last week! ALL I'm going to tell, and I've got to get busy readying the post.
Ragdoll Billie ~ whose a week behind on everything!
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