This is how I feel my life has been lately, taking a NASA photo of hurricane Dan, and adding a few extra twirls and twists! Looks like a sunny day today, so maybe I can throw some sunshine sparkles in to bounce around it.
I'll be back later this afternoon, or evening, or as soon as I can swing it. See you then. Grab you a sparkle of sunshine for your day, then take it for a whirl!
Striving for a world without Myasthenia Gravis

Hi Billie,
Thank you so much for your message on Coleman's carepage. We will pray for your treatment as well.
God bless you.
Peggy and the guys
Hi Peggy. Thank you for coming by my place. It was very sweet of you to do that, especially with all you have going on right now. I am in the process of putting Coleman's picture here as I mentioned to you. I like that it is of both of the boys.
I am keeping up with Coleman, and the whole family. He, and you all are so very special. When I have my port accessed next week, I will especially think of him at that time. ;-) Mine takes some unusual twists and turns to get to it, but nothing like doing his spinal tap (?) was it? Quite a big, little guy which ever procedure it was that took virtually laying on top of him if I am remembering correctly.
Whatever, it doesn't matter, the magnitude of what he has to go through is phenomenal!
I will be watching tv the 5th!
Hugs to all of you!
Ragdoll Billie on the Road to Remission!
Hi Ragdoll
How did things go with your Doctor yesterday. Mine told me to stay on my diabetic foods and get more fiber in my diet. I had lost 12 pounds since my last visit. Hope you are all set up for a good weekend. Remember when we could hardly wait for 5:00 p.m. Friday to get the weekends going. Jocelyn
Jocelyn, the doctor's visit went pretty much as expected. In fact, he said, really, we didn't need to have come in. It mainly verified what his nurse told me when she called earlier in the week. Aaargh! Could have saved a trip and the cost of feeding a couple of teen girls!
My weekend will consist of updating my blog - seems like I'm always doing that because I get side-tracked! - and updating my blogging knowledge. I signed up for twitter, and have to educate myself on that!!
Too bad, you and Jim do not live closer. Peggy, the other respondent, has a 4 y/o they have just traveled to NYC to Sloan Kettering for brain tumor treatment. There will be more on him in my blog today.
Think I got rested from the trip, and am ready to *go* from my bed here today, though my computer feels tired. Still feeling better from the last IVIG; hoping that is setting a precedence!
Talk to you later!
Ragdoll Billie on the Road to Remission
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