I have bounced you and me around so much these past two weeks, now I want to try to gently bring us together, whether we understand all that is going on or not. Ready?
Basically, I think telling about my first day going to the infusion center pretty much covered everything involved with that. Maybe, maybe not, though. I was scared beyond measure to increase my infusion rate, but like everything else, I believe God is in control, and I believe He was looking out for me that day, well each day, keeping me safe and comfortable. With Him in control, there are a few things I am considering, so hang on.

Plus, I have tremendous confidence in Dr. David Gubin. I had used him with confidence with those multiple stones equaling to six lithotripsies to avoid any surgical procedures on me, one of the stones was large and very stubborn.
Jim then used him with his prostate cancer surgery, using the Da Vinci robot.. Actually. he used it twice.

So, now it was back to my turn to check in with him because things were not going well with me at all. This test was the first thing he wanted done. He said he could go no further without knowing where the problem lay. Okay. I say I had the test done earlier, but he doesn't remember (records?), plus he was so pleased with Jim's Cancer Free results, that I think he was just a bit cocky that day we saw him (happy?). Hey! Coming up Cancer Free can warrant anyone a bit of cockiness for a few moments. Gubin is a doctor with a very serious attitude, and can come across initially as all business, when in fact, he IS putting all of his attention on you and your case. I appreciated that in him. I really am looking for that seriousness in him Thursday as he and I discuss what will be done with my thrombosed urethral caruncle. I want to be well prepared. They are treating it with an estrogen cream, 4gm daily, and his nurse said she would send something for the bladder spasms which cause an increase in the pain, bleeding, and urination. I will be SO glad to get all of that started and see how much affect it has on some of the pain, and will allow me freedom from conventional pain medicine. The word *thrombosed* has been used here, but another word used that might also be understood in engorged. Applying pressure on the caruncle

Additionally, part of the tests last Monday was an abdominal CT done in his office at the same time to coordinate with all the other tests. All of this showed a couple of rocky kidneys! Now, how many in each kidney, I do not know. The last time, it was four between the two. I'll find out Thursday, and when the first lithotripsy will be scheduled. Aaaaargh, what a nuisance!! So, that is what my appointment was for last Tuesday, one week ago today.Thursday, I see him for explanations and scheduling appointments.
Wednesday, it was back to Memphis, this time to my PCP. I was looking forward to this one, to Arthur Franklin. We had soooo much to tell him

My answer led him to take the step I have been waiting for so long. I call it the Big P. Ashley calls it my Pregnant Pills. Actually, it is my prednisone! Drop it! Down, down, down, down! Dropping it by 20mg per day, down to 40mg daily until I see my MG neuro in September. That has been five days ago. How has it affected me? The pain is more pronounced. Harder to manage. I do not know if it is the cause, but my eyesight has been worse yesterday (what time I was awake) and today, but I think I've gotten it under control a bit better today than it was yesterday. I *did* take 15mg of mestinon a couple of times yesterday and today, whereas I have not been having to take much of it at all since going on this new regimen. It is so hard to judge since I have this kidney infection, and that affects my MG tremendously, just as it does with the diabetes. Oh, yes, my skin is much, much more sensitive to touch. It hurts for my legs to touch each other, and between pain meds, it hurts for the cover to lay across my body. This is not new, but the depth of the pain definitely is worse. I'll just keep an eye on things. On a positive note, it should help my hard to control diabetes.
I hope I have included everything. If not, this is enough reading for now, right? Right!
Tomorrow. Another favorite of mine for almost twenty years now. Schnapp! Off to Memphis we go again.

Striving for a world without Myasthenia Gravis
lidamatlkinglenwiniounrrdialograophotersRagdoll This was quite a posting. I know it must have used most of you strength. It did bring things up to date and I appreciate that. Sounds like you are really having a round with the doctors. Have you tried cranberry juice for your kidney stones. It worked miracles for my dad. Hope your trip to Memphis today is a good one.
Ha ha! That is why it took me so long to wrap it up, and get it posted! Knowing all that was going on, I thought it easier, and easier to understand by keeping it until they appointments were all completed. Now to wait till Thursday for the urology appointment about the lithotripsies, and whatever else. :-)
You are getting better. Just hang in there and keep on trying till you get it.
See you later
Ragdoll Billie
Wow. Just reading that first post and seeing your beautiful smiling face in your pictures inspires me. I am so thankful to be blessed with my health-I recently had my (very first) surgery last week and it has made me even more thankful for my mobility and health. I hope that your Thursday appointment goes smoothly, and I hope you're able to find some relief soon.
(Here from AllMediocre, by the way...)
flickrlovr, thank you for dropping by, and especially thank you for the comments. I, too, am thankful for your blessings of health and mobility. You have no idea how your comment "beautiful smiling face" struck me! The steroids have drastically changed my appearance, and I have had a difficult time recognizing, and accepting my appearance.
Please, do come back again very soon. I have not quite figured out AllMediocre, but I am trying. It was exciting to me whenever I found it.
Ragdoll Billie
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