Will they be set up for repacking, or will they be emptied, folded, and put away to be used only as needed?
The first sign that it was time to be going away for a week to St. Francis - Bartlett Hospital for an IVIG treatment, and any Myasthenia Gravis escalation problems was when I would pull out the carpetbags. Missie noted the bags just as soon as I got them out and began packing them. This picture was made just shortly after I started packing one month. The rug was beside my bed, and when I looked down, there she was, never leaving me until time to leave for Memphis. This became a regular happenstance each month. Missie suffers from attachment disorder, and all of this is very troubling for her. If it goes much further once we are settled in a new routine, I think it will be time for her to see the vet about something for anxiety. I'm about ready to start her on some xanax as it is already. Poor baby is so miserable. And she is my baby even if she is almost six years old. I raised her and Callie from weeks old, and on a bottle. Jim and I have our Feline Clinical Psychologist shingle hanging out our front door, along with other feline specialties. With our four, we have at least four personalities, and maybe more, depending on the weather, or any other changing malady.
Now that we are looking at the probability of using the infusion center at St. Benard Hospital, Jonesboro, on an outpatient basis, I will not be repacking the carpetbags every four weeks. Maybe this will help my little Missie. Poor baby. Callie? Just give her the spot in my rocker with the sun shining in, and she is quite happy. It won't be long before she is down for a Callie-sized nap. . . say like all day long.
I guess that pretty well determines the fate of the carpetbags. Special occasions, as needed, which pleases me since they are special, handmade bags.

Striving for a world without Myasthenia Gravis
Thank you for stopping by my blog. My mom lives in Siloam Springs ...the other side of Arkansas. I think that your grandkids and cat are sooo cute. It looks like you've got a good group of nurses there at St Francis.
Thanks for coming this way with your comments. Siloam Springs is over in Razorback country, as we are Hog fans, too, though, AR State is 50 miles from us.
Now retired, our cats bring us so much fun and enjoyment. haha Especially since Jim has to do all the box care and feeding! They are entertaining, though
Yes, I cried when I found out I was going to have to leave them. We've been together for over a year now. They've learned a lot about MG and IVIG with its side effects in some people.
I'll be back to visit!
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