During the ice storm, I learned some pretty strong lengths to which I can survive - with someone else's help of course, but all those quilts and blankets for a week surely did get heavy by this past Tuesday! Wonder? Wonder if I was about to reach my limit of endurance of lying in one position for that long. How long? 6.9 days I don't want to exaggerate and say a full week, but it was from 2:23 to 6:50 short of a full week. I just know there are going to be so many stories with some fudge on them, and I do not want to be one of them, I'm diabetic. God knows me as a truthful person, and I do not want to start changing from that now.
Well, on a brighter note. Ha ha, only because it is bright white. Fooled you didn't I? I can barely see so am having to try to make up for it in other ways. I know, I know...I'm not THAT funny! Besides, I think I see a light not on, on my laptop keyboard and I should reboot. Rather than pull everything back up, I believe this is the time to post this *short* note to let you know my status this morning. I worked on ice storm pictures all night long, and jazzled one of them up for you this morning. Nah, just a simple frame, but I thought it looked nice. Heh, that's coming from a woman who can't see! Let me know if it is too bad. Truly, I did have to guess at parts of it as I was working on it.
Okay, it's good-bye, and off to get ready to go to Jonesboro to see Dr. Cauliflower, oops, no, Dr. Cauli! Better settle myself down before we get over there. And now, the big, big tree that once was.......... (be sure and click on the picture to see the details of the tree, and oh, while you're doing that, notice my beautiful frame! It's just a simple one, one I could do with my eyes closed or in the dark...joking, joking)

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