Thursday, December 20, 2007

Moving around in my world

I first started to entitle this “Moving ‘Up’ in the World” but then I realized I wasn’t so sure that is actually what happened. My nurse in the ER when I was admitted was really nice. She only had to stick me once to get my IV started. Not bad since my very good veins of the past had begun rebelling at being punctured recently. I am for certain I’ve even heard them give a yell a time or two. Not bad for someone hard of hearing. Hmmmm maybe we can hear on the inside. You reckon? Can’t you just see it…… there are those tiny little ears with arms and legs running around all inside, listening to the sounds being made by our insides: our organs, muscles, arteries, veins, and yes, even our nerves! Yikes! They’ve heard my veins pleas of mercy, and have given them the advice to just close up and shut down. Then here comes this good nurse in the ER, and she has great success at getting through one and is able to get that IV started against all odds.

Right at 5:00 p.m. on the dot the gamma globulin of thousands of blood donors began flowing through my veins, replacing my bad with their good. They do not know the “why” it works; only that it works. Usually. There is so much about the autoimmune system that is unknown. Much research is still needed. Now that my Ptosis (remember that involves your eyes) has improved, and I can now read ‘better’), I am able to do more reading research papers, and throughout time I will share things I learn, here with you. I told one of my doctors today what I am doing, and she was pleased, saying that someone down the road will be helped because of what I am doing. That would be nice if my *talking* could help some one. I do not mean that to be taken lightly either. When I was a teenager, my pastor used to have to just call me down in church for talking and laughing……. I mean call me out loud me by name! By that time, I would have gotten all the others tickled, and no one could stop laughing. Later, in my young adult-hood, would you believe I worked with teenagers. Personally, I think I identified with them; did I unwittingly still want to be one??? ;) I think maybe today I *still* identify with them. Granddaughter Ashley asked me if anyone ever told me to grow up, and when I told her “no,” she said “don’t let them; I like you just the way you are.” Granddaughter Christen (just turned 13) just raised her eyes, and shook her head, all the while using my laptop to do her Christmas shopping.

It is time for more surprises. About 10:00 p.m. they stick their head through the curtain of my cell, uh, uh, cubicle, and tell me they have a room for me!!! No! I really am not going to have to spend the night down here this time after all! Beautiful! Wonderful! Stupendous! In my wheel chair, all tethered to the IV pole, my feet guiding the wheels, a nurse helping with my “stuff” on the bed… huff, huff, huff…. off I go to the third floor…. *my floor*!

Sure enough, it was good to see those working that I have know from previous visits. They were swamped, so and again I was just plopped down. That’s all right. Later on when I needed something, I just jingled the little bell beside my bed. My nervousness began to subside; comfort eased in with me. That is a good partner to have.

Striving for a World Without Myasthenia Gravis

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