The IVIG started late on December 15th, and turned out to be a pretty rough week of it. The lithotrypsy was a real doosey that set me back, waaaaay back, and I am still coming back, even when I thought I was coming back. I was about to text my sister this morning that I was doing better, and then, ohhhhhhhhhh untangle yourself and understand how badly I feel. Awwwww. Now. That feels better. I have been trying so hard to compose this blog, but there is no way I can get it done, so I am posting it just with the "girls" pictures, and no explanations of the week I had. Went and got my hair done before I left on Sunday, and that probably helped somewhat.
However, I am not doing well at all. It is talking me days to compose and post this.I know nothig about the back surgery coming up. I will keep you updated as best as I can. I still have my humor!! Jim and I cannot do without that!
After the nurses' Christmas party, they came tripsying into my room bouncing and singing, these caps on their heads, laughing. We took some pictures. I was Rudolph. Aren't we silly?

For now, good-bye for a while so I can can take care of myself. When I feel able to post again, I will do so.
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